Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It has been an interesting past week. Nose to the grindstone again. I feel like today I got the pieces back together my way. I went to a full day of work in assembly. Tomorrow I will do a full day of assembly and a 6 hour shift at the restaurant. It feels great getting down to this sort of work.

Now, reducing the incredible intermittent experience to a few numbers: Say $320 per week at the factory for the next three weeks? Say $100 per week from the restaurant (that's what I'll actually retain from all the cash that goes through my hands) $1260 in the next three weeks. By then I will probably be done with this work and on to something else. That's enough for my plane ticket after taxes. That puts me in November. I'm thinking that I might have to shoot for four months instead of 6 because I won't have the money to stay there that long.

In the meantime I worked a very interesting day with some great people. Charles. Bryan. John. Black construction worker from inner city Canton. Pudgy baby faced ex military from Tusc. Balding man from Canton. The conversation drifted to some interesting masonic mythology and politics. Religion dabbled into the discourse. It was a great 8 hours of talking. Between the four of us we have a lot of interesting experience. For the most part the balding man ran his mouth about Christianity being the one true religion and Democrats endorsing slavery. It was really immature but I realize that, if any of it, this is what needs to be talked about. However, when I try to bring up a study or statistic that I had come across it was quickly replied to by an anecdote or hypothetical statistic.

I had a great night with a woman the other night. For the most part Fromm and the professor were in my head all night. They convinced me to open up a bit and a great night resulted. We're meeting up this upcoming Sunday. Tomorrow there will be Trivia. I have a job request from a biology employment service.

Right now I'm listening to angry rap and I'm about to go home to lift weights. Then I'll probably drink some gin and watch something informational. I need closure, a city, a better job, and certainty. Again, the prattles in the back of my head says: you have the simple beauty of Massillon, you know that your MCAT went through and med schools will come if you wait, you have an interest in a woman, you have a close job that's above minimum wage.

$1260 into November. That's not including random weekends working with my sister. I have a few hundred dollars stashed away in that area. I have $355 in the bank and $150 in uncashed checks. I'm making it slowly but certainly.

I'm a little shell shocked by being locked into something again. Summer showed me that I can blast through money like nothing if I so choose. However, I have to make this last and make this work. I'm in "zero spend mode" where I don't touch my cards for anything small. If I need beer, gas, coffee, food, or anything else...it comes out of the cash from my tips. I don't go out much because of that but this is a good thing because I spend next to nothing.

Right now I'm seeing a good girl who is the exact balance of intellect, fun, and interest that I want. What's better, she's not a flitter. It's like I get to build experience with her.

Interesting that I look at these blogs before I started killing the demonic angels of the impressions of my former lovers. Daily past the start of junior year I thought less of kts and struggled with insecurity. I think I lost all mysticism for that thought with a quiet night in the barn with a pale, skinny, sickly beauty that thought I fiercely loved and missed. When I brought my head back up I realized that it was just conjecture. Then there was the fiery and endless lovemaking with the jubilant woman.

She is going through a rough time now that she's left. I miss her and want to comfort her. At the same time I realize that she needs to not spring into the arms (harm) of any man but make sensible choices. I don't know what gives me that authority...it's certainly not age.

Anyways. I had a great time this past Friday night with all my friends. The scuzzy dudes came out and we got down with senselessly deep but senseless conversations.

I need to get up from this chair and curl some weights or I'm going to go crazy. My body feels like it needs sex on a regular basis. There is probably a lot of truth to that. Dopamine improves mood and allows for control of movement. Yeah. My neurochem is rusty. this morning I learned a little lipid chemistry. It's interesting.

Yes. Weights. Now.

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