Monday, January 30, 2012


Today I got up early to roll over and fall back asleep. I think that yesterday was the defining moment of my life for laziness. I'm not going to do that little ever again.

Martin and I walked around the bull fighting ring and joked about all the tourists around. Afterwards he made a pizza and we chilled out in the kitchen. He then gave me a bunch of stuff that he wasn't planning on taking back to Mexico.

It's so mixed saying goodbye. I think that today wouldn't have been anything special if he wasn't leaving so soon. I barely know the guy but I'm glad that he introduced me to some people and took me out dancing a couple times. Now that he's leaving I'll probably hit up the cat's a couple weekends and travel.

Yesterday I started to feel legitimately lonely out here. It's not to say that I want to have company...I really don't know if I do. It was just odd finally feeling the lack of family, friends, and my romantic companion back in the USA. That loneliness is accompanied by the exciting feeling of newness and a lust for adventure. Saturday night was great. Mostly because I just walked around and, for some unknown reason, people wanted to talk to me for no apparent reason.

However, I'm still not over the language barrier. I've learned the hard way that you can't project an image of intelligence on someone just because they're silent. It's equally easy to assume that, because someone looks like they live differently than you do, that they have a different and valuable perspective. Ascribing that value to them is not good because you have the potential to surprise yourself with disappointment.

I recently met a Mexican that surprised me in a good way. She had read Fromm and had a passion for literature. We talked about books while other people danced. For me, that was a good time even though it made me realize how much I've let myself be pulled into learning science at the expense of my enjoyment of books.

That's changing now.

I just finished a book of logcal fallacies. Currently, I'm reading a book about time in English and a book about symbols in Spanish. Today I played 2 songs on saxophone and ran through the songs I used to play with Hey Sandy. It seems like yesterday that we won those Black Eyed Peas tickets back in High School.

Memory comes quick. I'm not aware of what the notes names are but some syncopations and rythms aren't lost. I replayed a song I practiced Saturday and it felt so good. It's almost like the blood is returning to my toes after being out in the snow for a while. I forgot that this whole part of me was here when I studied medicine. It got lost in the parties, text books, and research laboratories of OU.

I'm writing a story to this effect. It's somewhat set in my barn and it's going to be a semi-autobiographical story detailing my journey here. Although I don't consider my time here to be the greatest of my life, I do think that it should be the culmination of independence and success for the character that I craft after myself. We'll see.

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