Wednesday, February 29, 2012

bad day

I had my first nontraumatic "bad day" today.

I woke up 15 minutes early and was tired as hell because of it.
I drank lemon tea instead of coffee because it was a warm caffeinating way to start the day.
I vomited.
I was tired throughout the day and hungry because it's the end of the month and I didn't buy anything yet.
I walked on eggshells back at my apt. because we have guests that I don't know how to talk to.
The colbert report and daily show weren't on so I spent an hour trying to get them from auxiliary no avail.
My fridge smells like that fancy foot cheese.
My headphones broke.
I went to a lesson a half hour early only to have them come 15 minutes late and not get through half a lesson.
I started for the gym but realized 10 minutes into the walk that I had the wrong shoes and had to turn around.
I ran to the gym and my neck spazzed up when I tried to bench so I just jogged a bit home after doing some biking and triceps stuff.
The hot flirty girl wasn't in the weight room and I didn't get to the ab machine.
Intercambio sucked. Ian's friend stayed in, the hot librarian said "hi" to me but I never got a chance to approach her from the front at her table and talk like last week.
Instead, I talked to a bunch of sarcastic hipster Peruvians who were all awkward as shit.
The metro machine ate my 50 and gave me 19.50 in change.

So...yeah. Pretty tough.

On the positive side: I have my abono, I got a call from the "tutorasap" people and they're increasing my rate for lessons, I turned in my hours for Sotomayor, I had great lessons with Loli, Angel, and Mirim today, I had some delicious wafers, and I got a run in without my knees killing me.

You take the good with the bad. I have 530 in the bank with 500 to come soon. I'm excited about these lessons and I'm excited for a reasonable march.

I'm really glad to be on a budget. I kept thinking today: Don't spend more than 5 euros here...unless you're having a blast. I wasn' I didn't...and this way I will have more opportunities to have fun.

It wasn't a bad's just setting me up for a better day.

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